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Health and Safety Policy

The Hub committee would like to remind hirers of their health, safety, and insurance responsibilities. Continuing with COVID safe practices, Hub Management requests all hirers to be responsible for:
  1. Ensuring that all members check in using the Check In Qld QR Code
  2. Having a COVID Safe Plan – please submit one for our records
  3. Maintaining a record of all members and guests at each meeting for the purposes of contact tracing by QLD Health if required. Details required: name, phone number, email address, the date & time.
  4. Adhere to Centenary Community Hub guidelines
  5. Keeping up to date and adhering to Government policies and guidelines, including
    1. physical distancing – 2 or 4 square meters per person indoors (as per Government restrictions)
    2. frequent environmental cleaning and disinfecting
    3. maintaining good hand and respiratory hygiene
  6.  Reminding your members to practice good personal hygiene. Obviously, if any members are unwell, ask them to not visit the Hub.
  7. Provide you own kitchen essentials e.g. mugs, cups etc. (Hub stock is locked away until further notice)

Insurances and Responsibility

It is advisable that each group/hirer have their own public liability insurance – Please ensure that you have sent a copy of your current certificate of currency. Property stored or left on site is the responsibility of the hirer as is any insurance required for that property. By submitting the booking form, the hirer indemnifies CCC against every action, claim, demand, notice, loss, damage, cost, and expense for which CCC may become liable arising from:
  1. loss or damage to property, or death or injury related to the use of the premises and not caused by the negligence of CCC, its servants, agents, or sub-contractors.
  2. any act, neglect, default or omission by the hirer or any other person on the premises
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