History of CCC
In 1999, two local P&C Presidents, Simon Cox (Jamboree Heights State School) and Belinda Karnaghan (Jindalee State School) had an idea that more could be achieved through bulk buying, non-conflicting fundraising dates and sharing resources.
They hosted a Combined Schools Forum inviting parent representatives and principals from the seven local schools to discuss these ideas and what could be achieved if community groups and schools pooled resources.
At that time there were over 150 community groups and clubs that met in the Centenary suburbs including Scouts, Guides, Service such as Apex, Rotary and Lions, Church, Environmental, Social, Sporting and Hobby clubs and organisations
Many issues were raised at this forum including the concern for our youth and drugs in the community; another meeting was convened inviting police, politicians, principals, service clubs, NHW, churches and health and youth workers. Over 50 people attended.
CCC was formally established in November 2000
Many workshops and seminars were held but it was no good if just the adults did all the talking so a Youth forum was held giving them the opportunity to voice what they wanted and needed. Major issues and ideas raised were boredom and a need for a local youth centre.
Out of this youth forum, under guidance from CCC and the council youth team Visible Ink, a youth festival was finally realised when in August 2001 ‘Wicked Day Out’ was run by the youth, for the youth to have a day to hang out together and showcase the culture and talent of locals which included live music, BMX demonstrations, skateboarding and street art.
We looked at how to connect community groups if they wished to have the opportunity to do so. We established a website which included forums, photo albums and calendar for events. It was before social media was around.
There is now a comprehensive CCC website and 4 Facebook pages to maintain. It certainly helps to connect with our community.
We needed more than a website and youth activities to connect with the community; a family picnic day and youth activity days were discussed and actioned.
The idea of a picnic day grew into the Centenary Community Festival in 2003 and was held in the Performing Arts Complex and grounds and at Centenary State High School in Jindalee. The Brisbane Outer Fringe Festival joined us; it was a first.
Centenary Rocks! Festival
The Rocks Riverside Park was opened in late 2003 so we moved the festival to the park and the ‘Centenary Rocks!’ Festival was born. The idea was to facilitate avenues for community groups to connect with business and other members of our community. The festival also allowed local bands, artists and dancers to perform on a big stage and to ignite community spirit.
The first Centenary Rocks! was held in October 2004 and the final 2017.
In 2009 we were awarded the Lord Mayors Australia Day Award for ‘Community Event of the Year’.
Over the years we had legends of the Australian music industry perform including CKM – Darryl Cotton, Jim Keays, Russell Morris, Tim Gaze, Mick Hadley, William Barton, Casey Barnes, Peter Cupples, Jenny Morris, Normie Rowe, Brain Cadd, Mental as Anything, Jon English, Phil Emmanuel, Ross Wilson and Dragon.
That’s a pretty impressive list.
CCC took over the reins of the Santa Sleigh in 2006 after the Apex Club of Jindalee folded in 2005. Over the years we have donated the money collected to groups that support our local community including Youngcare, Zoë’s Place and Jindalee Rotary’s Tree of Joy, iSEE Care for their food hamper program and recently to Aussie Helpers for the drought appeal.
After the 2011 floods we coordinated the ‘Sense of Community’ thank you day for the volunteers and local community at Lorikeet Park, Mt Ommaney in conjunction with Jindalee Rotary Australian Day citizenship ceremony.
After this event, we decided that not enough had been done to help the businesses in the flood affected area so in June we held a Street Party in Yallambee Rd Jindalee.

Centenary Community Hub
Another achievement was realising the community centre known as ‘The Hub’. Centenary Community Hub was officially opened in November 2011 and in 2012 CCC was confirmed as the licensed management group for the facility.
A month of free activities was held at the Hub as part of the Councils Community Building Recovery Program in June 2012. It included 4 Saturdays of magic and craft workshops, Warhammer tournaments, song writing, a disco and a Music evening. (our 1st Music at the Hub)
There are over 25 regular users each month, some meeting several times a week including Zumba, music tuition, self-defence, senior’s groups, Qld Health baby health clinics, hearing tests, podiatry, art, dance, sewing, quilting, craft groups, babies & children’s activities, Baha’i faith, Weight Watchers and events.
Music at the Hub evenings have been held since June 2012. As well as St Patricks day celebrations we have had many artists including Starseeker Neal Downes, “That 60’s Guy” Robbie McGowan, Tim Gaze, Bradley McCaw, Angela Toohey, Rebecca Wright & Donald McKay, Sarah Collyer, John Fegan Band, Dan Acfield, Mark Cryle & Carmel Newman, Jodi Murtha, Lee Nelson, Asleep at the Reel and Michael Fix perform on stage.
CCC is involved in our local community for the benefit of our community
Community event and activities:
- Centenary Women’s Group: 2019 – present day
- Free Self Defence Courses: 2019 – present day
- Management of the Centenary Community Hub: 2012 – present day
- Music at the Hub: 2012 – present day
- Santa Sleigh: 2006 – present day
- Dementia Awareness Month Functions: 2015 – present day
- Neighbour Day Afternoon Tea: 2017 – present day
- ‘Centenary Rocks!’ Festival: 2003 – 2017
- Seniors Christmas function: Dec 2012
- Drive in Movies at Jindalee Home facilitated and coordinated the inaugural event in 2014 and in 2015
- Community Building activities month at the Centenary Community Hub 2012
- Mud Army ‘Sense of Community’ Thank You day at Lorikeet Park Mt Ommaney 2011
- Flood Recovery Street Party for local business at Jindalee 2011
- Centenary Community Festival at the Centenary State High School 2003
Youth Activities:
- National Youth Week activities
- Youth Forums
- ‘B-Boy Challenge’ Break dance workshop: June – July 2001
- WDO (Wicked Day Out) – youth festival August 2001
- Youth concert at ‘Centenary Festival’ held at Centenary State High School – October 2003
- Youth stage and area at ‘Centenary Rocks!’ Festival: Oct 2004
- Youth Day at ‘Centenary Rocks!’ Festival 2005, 2006, 2007
- Participation in the ‘Centenary Rocks!’ Festival 2008 and 2009 on stage, through workshops and coordination and planning of the event.
- Forum Theatre – ‘Not Criminals Just Youth’- Forum Theatre – June 2002
Seminars & Workshops:
- Understanding Your Teenager
- Understanding Your Parents
- Non-verbal Communication
- Predicting Violence
Support to other organisations:
- Auspice sponsor to Sustainable Jamboree for grants to facilitate programs within our community – the Low Carbon Diet and the Energy Savers forums.
- Auspice sponsor to Neighbourhood Watch grant for the ‘50 in our Street’ signs
- Lending resources for fetes, sport carnivals, ceremonies and celebrations to community groups and schools
- Donations to local charities through the Santa Sleigh – Zoe’s Place, Youngcare, Jindalee Rotary Tree of Joy and iSEE care
- First Aid workshop facilitated at the Hub by St John’s Ambulance and 4074 and Beyond
- Visible Ink festival